In the midst of the chaos, the hand of God is there. He speaks in ways they understand and protects the children He loves. How awesome is our God. He shows me His presence is with her and He wants me to rest in Him. How can I deny such a faithful God? I want to cry yet He says me Lord. ~kl~
"My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him." Psalm 62:5
The imagination can paralyze and deceive if allowed to wander down the path of fear. ~kl~
Grant me faith that is much greater
Than the prayer I humbly speak
I long to live above the burden
And believe the God I seek...
I hear His voice in the birds singing
I see His beauty in the flowers blooming
Be still...I am not fear ~kl~
Pray them Home
John wept when he thought no one was worthy to open the scroll.
But the angel not weep...Jesus the Lamb of God is able.
In times of despair, remember there is One who sits on the throne - Jesus the Comforter has come to you. ~kl~
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